Research & Development

Research & Development

Plastics are one of the most widely used materials in the world, but they also pose a serious environmental problem. Most plastics are not biodegradable and end up in landfills, incinerators, or oceans, where they harm wildlife and ecosystems. Recycling plastics can help reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste and save valuable resources. However, recycling plastics is not easy and faces many challenges and opportunities.

One of the main challenges of recycling plastics is the diversity and complexity of plastic materials. There are many types of plastics with different properties, additives, and applications. Some plastics are easier to recycle than others, depending on their chemical structure, melting point, color, and purity. For example, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is used for bottles and other packaging, can be recycled into new products with similar quality and performance. However, other plastics, such as polystyrene (PS), which is used for foam cups and trays, are more difficult to recycle because they tend to degrade during processing and have low market value.

Another challenge of recycling plastics is the collection and sorting of plastic waste. Plastic waste comes from various sources, such as households, industries, and public places. It is often mixed with other types of waste, such as paper, metal, glass, or organic matter. Sorting plastic waste by type and quality is essential for efficient recycling, but it requires advanced technologies and systems that can identify and separate different plastics. Moreover, plastic waste needs to be cleaned and washed to remove contaminants, such as food residues, labels, or glue, that can affect the quality of recycled products.

A third challenge of recycling plastics is the economics of the recycling industry. The cost and quality competitiveness of recycled plastics depend on several factors, such as the availability and price of virgin materials, the demand and price of recycled products, the cost and efficiency of recycling processes, and the environmental regulations and incentives that affect the recycling market. Recycling plastics can be profitable if there is a steady supply of high-quality plastic waste, a strong demand for recycled products, a low-cost and high-capacity recycling technology, and a supportive policy framework that encourages recycling over disposal.

Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for recycling plastics. Research and development in recycling technologies and systems can improve the efficiency and quality of recycling processes and products. For example, chemical recycling is a promising technique that can convert plastic waste back into oil or monomers that can be used to make new plastics. This can overcome some of the limitations of mechanical recycling, which relies on melting and reshaping plastic waste into new products.

Another opportunity for recycling plastics is the innovation in product design and material selection that can facilitate recycling. For example, designing products that are easy to disassemble and separate into different components or materials can reduce the complexity of sorting plastic waste. Moreover, choosing materials that are compatible with existing recycling streams or that have high recyclability potential can increase the value and quality of recycled products.

A third opportunity for recycling plastics is the collaboration among different stakeholders in the plastic value chain. This includes producers, consumers, recyclers, regulators, researchers, and NGOs. By working together, these stakeholders can create a circular economy for plastics that minimizes waste generation and maximizes resource recovery. For example, producers can adopt eco-design principles and use recycled materials in their products; consumers can reduce their plastic consumption and dispose of their plastic waste properly; recyclers can invest in new technologies and facilities; regulators can set standards and incentives for recycling; researchers can develop new solutions for recycling; and NGOs can raise awareness and educate the public about recycling.

Recycling plastics is a complex and challenging task that requires a holistic approach that considers both technical and social aspects. However, it also offers many benefits for the environment, society, and economy. By advancing research and development in recycling technologies and systems; by innovating product design and material selection; by collaborating among different stakeholders; we can create a more sustainable future for plastics.

County Plastics is constantly looking for ways to improve its recycling techniques and has invested in new plant and machinety and skilled technicians to asssist in our reprocessing imporvements.  We are working with our suppliers to devise new ways to recycle products in a cost effictive mannor that helps reduce the ammount of materials destined for landfill.  

We are conducting experiments in granulator blade angles to assess efficency and production improvements, imporvements to air flow systems and material transfer.

We have also been developing an inline du-dusting and metal removal system that is both efficent and cost effictive whch was a requirement for one of our larger customers.

County Plastics is continually being asked to investigate many materials that are currenlty going to landfill for recycling solutions. We are always willing to assess and investigate all possibilities to ensure that no material, if possible needs go to waste.

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